Dreams of 09/19/2006
I am in my old high school looking at trophys with a friend and I cannot find the right ones. I want to show a specific one to him but they arent there. I guess that maybe they are in a different hallway. So we start to walk there and we are joined by a female which I know, but don't specifically recognize.
As we round the corner I see my friend Kevin playing a sad song on the piano. I signal to everyone to hush as we get closer. There is a bar to the left of us and we get drinks while listening. I realize it is a song he made up and it is great. The woman that is walking with me starts to laugh and I start to get angry but she tells me it is only because she never realized he had such talent not making fun of him.
He see us then so we walk into that room and there is a funeral taking place. His wife is laying on the piano bench dressed in black with a veil. I say hi to her as I walk by, giving her a "five". Kevin join me as i round the next corner to the next trophys.
In here are a bunch of swords hanging on the wall as well as many pictures. I tell Kevin I should donate the extra sword I had since I bought one before I was married and then one for the wedding itself I had an extra one. He says that he stinks from sweating so much.
I find a picture of me in pre-school. I take it down and walk outside with it and see my Mom. I show her and here other pre-schoolers singing their ABC's. I tell my mom I remember be upset because when we sang the ABC's we went one letter around the class and I always had one letter less than everyone else because we had an odd amount of students. She said we around 10 right? I said 11, and with 21 letters in the alphabet I always only did one.
We then started to enter a building and someone else comes up to me and tells me that the Cisco equipment I ordered is in. My mom asks if I got Cisco on-star and I said of course it's the best.
Then I awake to my cat in my face......
I am playing cards with my cousin Tiffanie at my Mom's house.. It is a form of blackjack with 5 shared upturned cards. I have 21. She is delaying and I have to leave. Finally I walk away and begin to get dressed in my room. I pick out my clothes, and take off the ones I have on. Naked sitting on the floor I begin to put on my underwear and my mom walks in. I chastise her for coming in without knocking as I quickly get my underwear on. Then Tiffanie walks in and I yell at them both to give me a moment to get dressed.
The photo from Grade school could be connected to me watching "The Class" series premiere the neight before.
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