Friday, October 06, 2006

Dreams of 10/06/2006

I'm with a group that is going to storm into a compound and blow it up. We have hit this place before and destroyed their semi truck inside, but very little else. My job is critical as I have the main bomb.
I sneak up and slip inside the building. Suddenly I hear gunfire outside and I know the plan is starting to fall apart. I hurry to my spot, but unfortunately there are guards there. I know the captain of the guard in some manner so I begin to talk with her about how evil the guy is and it must be done. She agrees she works for a bad man, but that there are many good people forced to work there that don't deserve to die. I tell her to sound the evacuation and no one will get hurt. She won't do it, she must do her job she tells me. I tell her she won't shoot me and I throw the bomb on the pile and it rolls and falls to the ground. I laugh nervously and pick it up and throw it again, and it rolls down again. thrid and fourth time it does the same. Finally it stays up and I hit the evacuation button, and the captain, and pull her along with me outside as the building explodes in a huge ball of fire, more than I expected. I hear cheering from the people I came with. Unfortunately Darth Vader escapes in another truck located in another barn down away from the main building. We'll have to track him down.

As the rest of my friends come to where I am at, I tell the captain to come with me, but she refuses. I get in a car and tell her I'll see her around. My friends think I was flirting with her, but I tell them she would be helpful in our battle. We begin to drive to find Vader

The alarm goes off....


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