Dreams of 10/08/2006
My brother Tom comes over to my house to pick up my old computer. In this dream my house is really my parent's house in real life While I am getting items together inside he is outside cutting a huge limb off of a tree in our front yard. My wife gets upset because he cut only one side off the tree and it looks weird and lopsided. As he is loading the truck with the wood I start bringing the computer out and load into his truck. In my room is a box full of phone ends and other random phone pieces. I walk back outside and my brother is waiting and I tell him I need to get the wireless network card yet and he says he already got it. I show him the room heater I had already loaded into the truck and he says he will probably throw it out because it isn't safe. While he is telling me this I notice he is talking weird, his voice doesn't sound right and he is using phrases that he normally wouldn't use. I get off the trailer and get out of his way so he can pull all the stuff away.
Second dream
I'm in a motel room in bed and there is a person on the other side of the wall banging on it. I am in bed with my wife and there are two other people in the room. We call the front desk because we are fed up with the noise. The guy from the hotel who comes is a guy from work and he asks what the problem is. One of the other people in the room tells him. As he leaves the room to go over to take care of it one of the other guys in the room throws something really hard against the wall which makes a loud noise. The hotel guy comes back and they all start laughing about it.
I get out of bed and we begin to play D&D on a table across the room. I am with my normal Wed group. We begin combat and roll for initiative. The GM and I both roll a natural 20. The GM tells me to roll a 6 sided dice and we do, he gets a 6 and I get a 1. He tells me he has won initiative, and I say no cause we both rolled a 20, my dex bonus is 9, what is the monster's? He goes Oh, meaning I was right. The rest of the group is telling me that you don't add your dexterity bonus to the roll. I am getting annoyed and I ask for the player's book. No one can find the right book, they keep giving me book that have nothing to do with the game.
The day before I talked with my brother about me bringing my old computer over after getting a wireless network card for it.
In the second dream we were in a hotel room and people were making alot of noise. We had wanted to call someone to shut them up but we didnt
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