Dreams of 10/15/2006
I am in a cell. A voice explains to me the rules. We can open the doors to all the cells and a door will open with a toilet only if all but one holds onto a device in the cell. As soon as more than one lets go they all close.
Soon after I get a visit from a guard inspecting my cell. It seems some time has passed. I have another person in there. They are helping me paint my back wall with a mural. The guard mocks us in our efforts. There is a spot that hasn't been painted yet and the guard takes his finger and smears the fresh paint over it. He asks how he did, with a challenge in his look. We both agree it is fine. He scowls and walks out. I look at my painting partner and tell him that he fell for it. I check a hiding space then we go back to painting, this time on the wall with the door.
Now I am playing D&D and who I just was was my character. Somehow what I did was to free Captain Marvel and he let our party out. The first thing he did was to fly off and kill a night hag.
I start explain Captain Marvel's powers and that the night hag must have surprised and inprisoned him as it was no match for him.
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